Customs clearance and regime:

A customs clerarance represents activities to be conducted by customs authority and determined by Customs law, other regulations and legal act of central customs authority. The customs export clearance is a set of acts beginning from declaration of goods to be taken through customs border at customs authority up to inspection of customs documents, if necessary of goods, and permission to enter goods through customs border after payment of imposed duty. 

A custom regime means the norms, conditions and requirements established on goods and vehicles to be crossed across customs border.  Choosing a regime provides with the possibility for location of goods and solution of other correlated matters relating to stages of customs clearance and inspection, amount and percentage of customs duties and taxes due for current goods.

Types of regimes for exit of goods abroad:
- Export of goods;
- Temporary export of goods abroad;
- Processing goods abroad;
- Re-export of goods abroad.

The exporter shall declare the goods at the Customs General Authority. 

Except customs declaration there should be completed following documents in order to export goods:

  • Foreign trade agreement or proforma invoice, bill of exchange,
  • Transport documents  (bill of loading, packing list, technical documentations etc.)
  • Proofs of origin,
  • License or permission of relevant authority (if required)
  • In case of total or partial excemption from customs duties and other taxes, then document of relevant authority confirming it,
  • Laboratory test report (if required)
  • Other necessary documents

For detailed information visit: .

Export duties

Mongolia  uses customs tariffs for export goods.

Customs tariffs, their amounts and percentages, as well as list of goods for export are subject to approval eby Parliament.

For detailed information on customs tariffs and list of goods visit:

Prohibited and restricted goods

Before exporting goods from Mongolia the exporter shall verify whether or not the current goods are included into classes of goods impossible or prohibited for exporting. Prohibited goods include 13 items such as  plants, perennial plant roots, root stems, root fruit, narcotic and psychotropic substances, chemical harmful substances, advertising materials for alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, press, books, literature, videos, pictures and others promoting pornography, pyrotechnics.

For detailed information on prohibited goods visit:


Export permit, license and certificate

Mongolia uses most broadly the license form among non-tarrif restriction methods for regulation of foreign trade.

The Government is putting control over certain types of export goods by the way of granting  permit and license.

Business enterrpises, legal persons and individuals engaged in foreign trade are needed to obtain license from competent Authority of public administration in order to exit goods requiring permit and license through the state border and the Customs Authority shall conduct clearance and permit entrance of goods through border based on present license, permission  and other documents required according to customs clearance regimes.

Exporters will apply for the necessary permits, licenses and certificate at the following Ministries and Agencies:

  1. Ministry of food, agriculture and light industry
  • Meat (cow, sheep, goat, horse) etc.
  • Strategic Food
  • Organic food
  • Livestock and their raw materials - General Authority for Veterinary Services

   General Authority for Veterinary Services

  • Animals and their raw materials certificate  (Eagle and others)
  • Sheep wool, goat cashmere and wool cashmere products
  1. Ministry of environment and tourism
  • Plants, their raw materials and non-timber forest
  • CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
  • Toxic chemicals and hazardous substances
  • Hazardous waste
  1. Ministry of health
  • Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic substances
  • Medicines and medical devices
  1. Ministry of mining and heavy industry
  • Explosives and explosive devices
  1. Ministry of energy
  • Electricity
  1. General Agency for Specialized Inspection
  • Animal, plant, and its raw materials and products made from it

Certificate of origin

A certificate of origin is a document proving the manufactured country or country of origin of current goods.   Certification of origin of any good has influence upon amount of importer’s customs tariff, thus there is required to fill it out in conformity with laws and regulations of current country.

The certificate of origin of goods is subject to issuance by competent authority of current country. An absence of certificate of origin results in imposement of customs tariff upon current goods in amounts of ordinary customs tariff by the importer’s customs authority.

In regard of Mongolia, the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) is entitled for issuance of certificate of origin and it uses trade and customs tariff concessions of twenty seven highly developed countries (Australia, Canda, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, USA, Belorussia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey and fifteen European states) according to Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). This concession would be obtained based on certificate of origin or FORM-A. The certificate of origin should be filled out in English, the language of international trade, and in Russian, in the case of exporting into Russia.   

The MNCCI receives from exporters an electronically filled out certificate of origin.

In order to receive a certificate of origin an application including following information should be provided:

  • Name and address of applicant
  • Number and date of agreement and proforma invoice
  • HSN code and descripton of goods
  • Quantity of goods, agreement amount
  • Transport type and route
  • Name of country or port of destination

Customs valuation of export goods

In order to determine customs value of goods following method should be used according to secuence below:

The transaction value method 

The costs calculation method;

The transaction value method for identifical or similar  goods

The market value research  method

For detailed information on customs valuation visit: .

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