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NameCustoms clearance procedure of goods for international transportation services
DescriptionThis measure regulates customs clearance procedure for the clearance of goods for international transport services- The following goods shall be placed in the procedure of goods for international transportation service: - Goods to ensure normal operation and maintenance of vehicles during international travel; - Goods to be used by passengers and crew members during the trip; - Goods that are in the shop mode of duty-free goods to be sold for passengers.
CommentsThis measure applies to one of the customs clearance regime. Therefore, may apply to large number of commodities classified under the Harmonized Commodity Identification and Coding System. Thus it has not been linked with any commodities. Thus it has not been linked with any commodities.
Validity From22-10-2008
Validity To09-09-9999
Reference- Article 215-219 of the Law on Customs - Annex 2 of Order No. 680 of the Chairman of the Customs General Administration
Technical Code
AgencyCustoms General Administration
Created Date2020-09-14 04:31:47
Updated Date2020-12-05 01:21:56
Measure TypePermit Requirement
Legal/RegulationCustoms clearance procedure for refusal to receive goods, goods destruction and goods of international transportation service
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Customs clearance procedure of goods for international transportation service Implementation regulation of “Customs clearance procedure of goods for international transportation service” was approved by Annex 3 of Order No. 680 of Chairman of the Customs General Administration in 2008. Following goods shall be placed under thisImport/ExportView


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