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NameImportation of personal consumer goods across the customs border
DescriptionThe purpose of this measure is to determine the quantity, quantity and value of personal belongings of passengers to be crossed the Customs frontier and to be allowed to cross the Customs border without customs and other taxes- Unless otherwise specified, the customs declaration of a passenger shall be the basis for customs clearance of personal belongings carried by a passenger and goods sent separately from the body.
CommentsThis measure applies to one of the customs clearance regimes. Therefore, this measure may apply to large number of commodities classified under the Harmonized Commodity Identification and Coding System. Thus it has not been linked with any commodities.
Validity From30-10-2019
Validity To31-12-9999
ReferenceOrder A /223 of the Chairman of the General Customs Administration dated in 2019
Technical Code
AgencyCustoms General Administration
Created Date2020-09-21 02:36:31
Updated Date2020-12-04 06:41:42
Measure TypeGeneral
Legal/RegulationApproval procedure for importation of personal consumer goods across the customs border
Un Code


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Procedure NameDescriptionCategoryView Procedure Detail with Relevant Forms
Procedure for importation of personal consumer goods across the customs borderThe purpose of this procedure is to determine the quantity, quantity and value of personal belongings of passengers to be crossed the Customs frontier and to be allowed to cross the Customs border without customs and other taxes.Import/ExportView


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