View Procedure

Procedure NameCustoms clearance procedure of processing goods in customs territory


Customs clearance

Responsible Agency       

Name: Customs General Administration

Address: Customs General Administration Building,

Ikh Toiruu 81/1, Sukhbaatar District,

Ulaanbaatar-14193, Mongolia



Phone: (+976) 11 350049

Fax: (+976) 11 350048

Legal base of the Procedure                                                                                                                                                  

Annex 4 to Order No.A/40 of Chairman of Customs and Tax General Administration


 Customs clearance - 7,000 MNT

Required Documents


Type of information



International trade contract, or invoice, international payment documents

Documents necessary for this clearance are reflected in Article 60.3 of Law on Customs and Article 3.1 of Annex 4 to this order


Transportation documents, packing list, technical specification/documents


Certificate of origin


Licenses, permission, certificates issued by responsible agencies


If the goods are excluded from tax partially and/or fully, documents proofing it issued by responsible agencies


Laboratory testing results, if needed


Technological information, documents, prototype, ingredients of each goods, calculation of raw materials


Other necessary documents


Guarantee approved by Annex to this procedure

Process Steps


The declarant submits all necessary documents to Customs of Mongolia


The Customs reviews all documents. If necessary, customs ask more related documents


Customs inspector stamps "Under customs control" on declaration of goods


Customs install camera in processing factory and connect it with related customs and other organizations for the purpose of control


Customs make regular control on goods and processing and provides registration


When processing is finished processed goods must be sent back


If declarant did not send goods back, he/she has to pay relevant customs tariffs and duties


Declarant has to submit trash and remaining from processing of goods according to relevant customs clearance procedure selected by him/her


1. Goods reflected in Article 101 of the Law on Customs shall be declared according to this customs clearance procedure.

2. In order to declare goods under this clearance procedure, customs clearance codes should be used reflected in this procedure.

3. Customs will provide regular control and registration. Once processing is finished, goods shall be sent back.

4. Goods to be declared under this procedure shall meet requirements reflected in Article 100 of the Law on Customs.

5. Technological guidance must include detailed information of processing method, steps, duration, changes to be made, how to use it to producing what kind of new products and etc.


The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
Filled out this guarantee should by submitted to customs with other necessary documents29-07-202029-07-2020Customs General AdministrationThis is Dowload File
Declarant uses customs clearance declaration for declaring goods to customs of Mongolia13-08-202013-08-2020Customs General AdministrationThis is Dowload File
Invoice and packing list are one of key forms for customs clearance13-08-202030-11-2020DeclarantThis is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Customs clearance approval to processing goods in the customs territoryPermit RequirementCustoms General AdministrationCustoms clearance procedure of goods for processing goods in the customs territory shall be used for declaration of goods reflected in Article 101 of the Law on Customs. If customs approve the declaration, customs inspector stamps "Under customs control".The Resolution A/40 of the Chairman of the Customs and Taxation General Administration approved this customs clearance procedure by its Annex 4 based on Article 79.7 of Law on Customs. Keep in mind: - Trader should use 501-554 customs codes under declaration for “Customs clearance procedure of goods for processing goods in the customs territory”. So please find detailed information from Resolution A/40 of 2016.Customs clearance procedures for import of goods31-12-2050Good