View Procedure

Procedure NameFree zone procedure


Customs clearance

Responsible Agency       

Name: Customs General Administration

Address: Customs General Administration Building,

Ikh Toiruu 81/1, Sukhbaatar District,

Ulaanbaatar-14193, Mongolia



Phone: (+976) 11 350049

Fax: (+976) 11 350048

Legal base of the Procedure                                                                                                                                                  

Order A/282 of Chairman of Customs General Administration

Law On Free Zone


 Customs clearance - 7,000 MNT

Required Documents


Type of information



Foreign trade contract or invoice

Documents necessary for declaration


Shipment documents


Registration certificate of business entity working in free zone


Registration certificate of free zone


Necessary permits and licenses related to non-tariff restrictions


Notes by state professional inspection agency


Certificate of origin


Detailed information of goods including name, marks, serial number, calculation of raw materials, amount of rests and wastes, model, prototype, diagram, photo and etc.

Process Steps


Declarant defines amount of ingredients


The list of goods and materials to be imported and processed in the free zone shall be submitted in advance to the Customs.


The list of foreign trade agreements, goods and materials shall be registered and monitored by the Chief State Customs Inspector in charge of the Free Zone.


The state customs inspector in charge of material accounting shall review calculation of goods used for processing and certify them before customs clearance


Declarant submits documents specified in sections 3.2 and 3.3 to the Customs through e-mail, fax and Customs information network


State Customs Inspector in charge of inspection shall receive the information on the goods to be placed in accordance with the regime through the Customs automated system, verify the documents, perform “verification” and send the information electronically to the Chief Customs Inspector.


The customs declaration shall become effective upon the Senior state customs inspector in charge of control and inspection performs the “Approve” action


If the declarant submits a request, the Customs declaration shall be printed and the State Customs Inspector shall affix the “Under Customs Control” mark to the document, the State Customs Inspector shall sign and affix the personal identification mark


If goods processed in free trade zone will be imported to customs territory for domestic consumption, declarant defines customs value and declares to customs


Customs organization defines customs value and check with declarant’s value


Customs levy taxes, declarant pays it and receive goods


The regime shall be terminated by placing the goods in another regime or by dissolving the free zone


  1. Simplified customs clearance shall be carried out in accordance with Article 30.2 of the Customs Law when goods are imported into the free zone from the Customs bonded warehouse, certified exhibition center or certified enterprise without exporting through the Customs territory, and exported from the free zone without passing through the Customs territory.
  2. The foreign trade agreement shall specify in detail the method, stages, terms and processing activities of the goods.
  3. The activities of importing, exporting and processing goods in the free zone shall be under Customs control.
  4. The imposition of customs and other taxes, exemptions and discounts on goods imported and exported into a free zone shall be decided based on the provisions of Articles 10.2 and 16.1-16.3 of the Law on Free Zones. 
  5. Customs and other related taxes shall be imposed on confiscated goods and placed in the state budget in the following cases:
    1. Lost or destroyed from the free zone for reasons other than force majeure;
    2. Disposed of without the permission of the customs.
  6. In case of deregistration to operate in a free zone in accordance with Article 8.7.6 of the Law on Free Zones, the remaining goods shall be counted and stored under the customs control in the premises and warehouse of the deregistered business entity for up to 3 months.
  7. It shall be placed in the relevant Customs clearance procedure within the period specified in 6.2 of this Regulation.
  8. Failure to place in the relevant Customs clearance procedure within the period specified in 6.2 of this Regulation shall be resolved in accordance with Article 298 of the Customs Law.


The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
This form is for purpose of representing goods origin without any tax exemption13-08-202013-08-2020Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and IndustryThis is Dowload File
This form applies to goods not originated from Mongolia13-08-202013-08-2020Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and IndustryThis is Dowload File
Invoice and packing list are one of key forms for customs clearance13-08-202030-11-2020DeclarantThis is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Free zone regimePermit RequirementCustoms General AdministrationThis regime applies to goods of a business entity or organization registered in accordance with Article 8.7.6 of the Law on Free Zones. Customs approves customs clearance requests based on submitted documents- This customs clearance regime is approved by Order #A/282 of the Chairman of the Customs General Administration of 2019 based on Article 79.7 of Law on Customs. Note: - Goods to be declared under this regime should be goods that: - specified in Article 231.1 of the Customs Law; - Machinery, equipment, machinery, construction materials, raw materials and other inventory required for construction of buildings and infrastructure in the free zone from abroad and from the Customs territory; - Equipment to be used for storage and processing of goods within the free zone, chemical reaction stimulants and accelerators intended for industrial processing, consumer goods in the workplace of employees working in the free zone, store goods, fuel and food and water will be loaded to other vehicle without transferring through the customs territory. - Customs clearance codes are 770-778. Therefore, please find detailed information from the order. This measure applies to one of the customs clearance at free zones. Therefore, may apply to large number of commodities classified under the Harmonized Commodity Identification and Coding System. Thus it has not been linked with any commodities. Thus it has not been linked with any commodities.Implementation procedure of free zone clearance regime09-09-9999Good