View Procedure

Procedure Name Procedure for issuing export and import certificates for animals, plants, raw materials and products



Responsible Agency       

Name: General Agency for Specialized Inspection

Address: Government Building-XII,

Constractors' square-13,

Ulaanbaatar 15170,

Mongolia E-mail:

Phone: (+976) 51 264786

Fax: (+976) 51 263790

Legal base of the Procedure

Law on Quarantine Control and Inspection Animals, Plants and Raw Materials of Production at the State Border


Processing time 14 days after recieving the request

Required documents:


Type of information



Request for export and import certificates


Certificate of origin of animals, plants and products


Sale and purchase agreement, gift agreement and similar documents


Certificate of registration

If you are a legal entity


Notarized copy of ID card

You are a citizen


Results of veterinary and phytosanitary laboratory tests


Transportation of animals, plants and products, vehicle type and route


Name and date of the border crossing


Accompanying documents such as number and size of animals, plants, products, processing status (semi-processed, raw, frozen, fresh, etc.), packaging, labeling, and safety information.


Process Steps

Step 1

The Applicant submits the request with required documents

Step 2

State Professional  Inspection Agency review the documents Submitted

Step 3

If the requirements set forth in Articles 9, 11 and 24.3 of the Law on Quarantine Control and Inspection of Animals, Plants and their Raw Materials and Products are met, the export certificate shall be issued for professional inspection based on the results of quarantine control, medical examination and laboratory tests. provided by the organization

The Specialized Inspection Agency shall issue import notices for imported animals, plants and products based on the information and requests submitted by citizens and legal entities.



1. Citizens and legal entities importing raw materials and products other than animals, plants and food shall submit their requests to the state specialized inspection agency not later than the following;

  • 60 days for import of ungulates and horses
  • 40 days for import of domestic birds such as chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys and pheasants
  • 30 days for import of cultivated and natural plant seedlings
  • 20 days for import of animals, plants, raw materials and products other than those specified above.

2. The plant quarantine certificate shall be valid for 1 month for plants and their raw materials, 14 days for products, and 5 days for perishable raw materials and products from the date of issuance

3. Veterinary and sanitary certificates are issued for up to 3 months from the date of issuance of livestock and animal feed, for 14 days from May 1 to October for raw materials and products of animal origin, and after November 1. It is valid for 30 days until the end of April and 3 days for perishable food.

4. The above documents are not required for the issuance of export certificates for animal and plant foods (up to 1-5 kg) to be carried in the passenger's hand luggage. The state inspector shall inspect the product and issue a certificate.



The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
This Form applies to the procedure related to export, import and transit Certificate of Animals, Plants, Raw Materials and Products 07-06-202011-12-2020General Agency for Specialized Inspection This is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Pre-import control and certificationCertificate RequirementGeneral Agency for Specialized Inspection Citizens and legal entities importing raw materials and animals, plants and food shall notify the state specialized inspection agency in advance of the request to transit animals, plants, raw materials and products over the territory of Mongolia If the animals such as ungulates, horses, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pheasants are imported for breeding and durability purposes, a daily medical examination and measurement of body temperature shall be carried out during the period of quarantine control.Law on Quarantine Control and Inspection Animals, Plants and Raw Materials of Production at the State Border 31-12-9999Good