View Procedure

Procedure NameProcedure for taking samples, specimens, testing and making conclusions from goods



Responsible Agency       

Name: Customs General Administration

Address: Customs General Administration Building,

Ikh Toiruu 81/1, Sukhbaatar District,

Ulaanbaatar-14193, Mongolia



Phone: (+976) 11 350049

Fax: (+976) 11 350048

Legal Base for the Procedure Law on Customs



Required Documents


Type of information



The decision to conduct an examination

Documents necessary for examination


Foreign trade documents

3 Chemical toxicity and safety instructions

Permission and license of the relevant organization


Others required Documents

Process Steps


Мэдүүлэгч нь гаалийн байгууллагад барааг мэдүүлж, мэдүүлгийн СEPS програмд барааны холбогдох мэдээллийг гаалийн бүрдүүлэлтийн програмд байршуулсан “Лабораторийн шинжилгээнд хамрагдах барааны жагсаалт”-ыг үндэслэн оруулна


 If the declared goods require special knowledge and skills in the course of Customs control and clearance, the State Customs Inspector shall make a decision to have the goods inspected


The State Customs Inspector shall inform the declarant about the “Decision on examination of goods”


The State Customs Inspector shall take samples and specimens in accordance with the relevant standards in the presence of the declarant and seal them


The State Customs Inspector shall write the decision to verify the CAIS program and select laboratory (Customs central and branch laboratories) write application number and information related to the specimen, sample, and model, and, if necessary, the photograph, in the "Form Writing Field" of the program and send it to the Chief State Customs Inspector in charge of the control zone for review


The Customs Chief Inspector in charge of the Customs Control Zone shall approve information of goods declared and it will send to customs laboratory automatically


The State Customs Inspector who took samples and specimens shall print the certified information in the CAIS laboratory report, sign it together with the Chief State Customs Inspector in charge of the control zone, certify it with a personal mark


Declarant shall sign on the information


Customs inspector shall send documents and sealed samples to the laboratory by mail or by courier


The laboratory staff shall check and receive the sealed specimens, samples and specimens submitted by the respective Customs and Committees against the sealing number written in the decision to conduct the examination registered in the CAIS program


The state expert-customs inspector of the laboratory shall register his / her attendance in the time registration program, which will open the right to analyze the samples, samples and specimens registered in the CAIS laboratory conclusion report and will be randomly selected depending on the product name. In this case, the product information is transferred to the “Distributed Sample Status” program of the CAIS laboratory report.


The State Customs Inspector shall carry out the examination of the allocated samples and specimens, compare the results with the indicators of the relevant standards and enter them in the laboratory evaluation program


 Based on the results of the examination, the State Customs Inspector shall pre-determine the classification code of the goods in accordance with the “Harmonized Coding System for Identification of Goods”, write the conclusion in the CAIS laboratory report and send it to the Chief State Customs Inspector and Head of Customs Laboratory. In this case, the laboratory report is transferred to the “Sent Status” of the CAIS program.

If the probation is performed in other accredited laboratories, the state expert-customs inspector shall compare the results of the accredited laboratory test with the indicators of the relevant standard, determine the classification code of the goods and issue an expert opinion


The results of the examination shall be reviewed by the senior expert-customs chief inspector using the CAIS laboratory report and sent to the head of the customs laboratory for approval. In this case, the laboratory report is transferred to the "Controlled Status" of the CAIS program


If the Head of the Customs Laboratory reviews and approves the preliminary report, he/she will send permission to print out “Laboratory test results” and “Analysis report”

If the Head of the Customs Laboratory deems it necessary to perform additional analysis and amend the product classification code, he/she will write reason of sending back and laboratory results will be defined as “Back for revision Status”


The expert-customs inspector who performed the analysis shall print and sign the conclusion on the “Laboratory test results” and “Analysis report” forms, certify it with a personal mark and sign it by the senior expert-senior state customs inspector and the head of the customs laboratory , confirmed by laboratory marks


The head of the Customs laboratory shall certify the conclusion and send the samples and specimens electronically to the Customs offices and committees. In this case, the laboratory report is transferred to the "Approved Status" of the CAIS program


After the examination report is issued, the state expert-customs inspector shall create an invoice for “Laboratory examination fee” in the CAIS program using the “Examination report” and “Laboratory test results” form numbers and send it to the applicant through the network


In case of discrepancies in the results of laboratory examination of samples and specimens submitted by the respective Customs Office, committee or branch, information on the discovery shall be included in the “Additional information” section of the examination report. This information is transferred to the CAIS program

In case of detection of narcotic and psychotropic substances as a result of the analysis, the information shall be officially delivered to the relevant Customs offices and committees, and the unit in charge of violations of the General Customs Authority shall take necessary measures


The inspector of documentation and inspection of the relevant Customs office, committee or branch shall enter the relevant field of the CAIS program and send it to the Customs laboratory regarding the resolution of the goods revealed as a result of laboratory examination


The CAIS program will allow the Customs to continue customs clearance if the results of the analysis do not reveal any violations. The conclusion number is automatically entered in the “Verification conclusion” section of the customs declaration program, and when the activation number is clicked, the conclusion information is displayed electronically


In case of disagreement of the declarant with the Customs laboratory examination report and test results, the re-examination may be performed in accordance with the Customs Law.


If the declarant does not accept the Customs laboratory examination report, he / she may file a complaint in accordance with the Customs Law.



1. Samples, samples and specimens may be obtained for the following purposes with the permission of the Customs based on the written request of the declarant.

  • Pre-determine the product classification code;
  • Obtain the conclusion and permission of the relevant professional organization;
  • To determine whether the goods meet the standard requirements;
  • In case of requiring specialized knowledge during Customs control and clearance.

2.The Customs clearance process shall be suspended from the moment the sample registration number of the sample is automatically registered in the CAIS program and sent electronically to the Customs laboratory until the laboratory conclusion is issued.

3.The Customs Laboratory may refuse to perform the examination in the following cases. These include:

  • In case of insufficiency of samples, specimens and specimens submitted for probation, loss of packaging integrity or lack of sealing;
  • In case the required documents are not submitted;
  • If it is possible to determine the product classification code based on the relevant interpretation of the “Harmonized Commodity Coding System” without the need to analyze the goods;
  • Samples, samples and specimens of goods not specified in the definition of the scope of accreditation for accredited laboratory testing issued by the Standardization and Metrology Agency have been submitted;

4.The conclusion of the Customs laboratory shall be considered invalid in the following cases.

  • Expert-state customs inspector in case of erroneous entry of information related to inspection results, samples and specimens;
  • In case of incorrect conclusion of the verification conclusion due to technical error or system error in CAIS program;
  • In case of delay in the information on the reform of the CCTS convention and amendments to the relevant laws and regulations after the conclusion of the probationary period;
  • In case of issuing an expert opinion based on the decision on resolving the disputed issue of goods classification;
  • In case of not taking samples and specimens in accordance with relevant international and Mongolian standards, it may affect the results of the examination;
  • If the declarant fails to submit accurate documents to the Customs or it is proved that he / she has committed forgery.
  • The declarant and the customs office that submitted the samples and specimens may perform additional and repeated tests in accordance with the Customs Law.



The following form/s are used in this procedure
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This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Requirements for taking samples, specimens, testing and making conclusions from goodsInspection RequirementCustoms General AdministrationThis measure is related to sampling, verification and conclusion of Customs laboratory (Central and branch laboratories)-The examination report of the Customs laboratory shall be valid for up to 3 months depending on the nature and quantity of the goods specified in the report, the customs clearance procedure and the declarant's accredited laboratory. The results of the laboratory examination shall be valid.This measure may apply to all commodities classified under the Harmonized Commodity Identification and Coding System. Therefore, this measure is not linked to any commodities.Law on Customs31-12-9999Good