Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the key ministries of the Government of Mongolia responsible for creating a favorable external environment for Mongolia and expanding foreign trade and economic cooperation.
Priority activities of the Ministry are:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs consists of 13 departments including the Foreign trade and economic cooperation department who is in charge of developing and regulating foreign trade policies and regulations of Mongolia.
Mongolia has a diplomatic relationship with 192 countries including European countries, the USA, the Russian Federation, China and etc. as of 2020.
Based on the Foreign Policy Concept of Mongolia, approved by the Parliament of Mongolia on February 10, 2011, Mongolia is actively developing bilateral and multilateral relations and cooperation with developed countries in the political, economic, defense, cultural and humanitarian spheres. Currently Mongolia has a comprehensive strategic partnership and strategic partnership with the following countries:
Mongolia accessed 293 international conventions and treaties, including the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Final Act embodying the results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Asia-Pacific trade agreement.
The Government of Mongolia signed 1221 bilateral cooperation agreements with 97 countries and international organizations including the first Economic Cooperation Agreement between the Government of Mongolia and Japan signed in 2015.
Website: http://www.mfa.gov.mn/
Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs
Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs/MoJHA/ is one of the key ministries of the Government of Mongolia.
The main objectives of the Ministry are improving legislation, organizing the implementation of legislation and sectoral policies, coordination of the implementation of policies to cooperate with other law enforcement agencies, organizing the conclusion of bilateral and multilateral agreements and ensuring the leadership of public administrations.
The operational strategy of the MJHA is to provide highly qualified, timely advice and all-around support to implement the Government Action Plan and the objectives of the Ministry.
The Ministry will prioritize the following activities:
The MoJHA includes the following regulating and implementing agencies:
MoJHA is responsible for regulating foreign and domestic trade of firearms and other related devices, as well as its use and production according to the Law of Mongolia on firearms.
Website: https://mojha.gov.mn/
General Authority for Border Protection
General Authority for Border Protection is the regulating agency of the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs. It implements state policy on state borders such as to organize and manage state border protection at the national level, to implement Mongolia's obligations under international agreements on border issues and maintain the state border regime, to prevent illegal alteration of the state borderline, and to inspect the movement of passengers and vehicles across the state border, ensure the security of the border crossing, and enforce the procedures to be followed at the border crossing point.
In order to maintain state border regime, prevent border violations, and resolve border violations in accordance with the laws, the General Authority for Border Protection implements the following priority activities:
Website: http://bpo.gov.mn/
Customs General Administration
The Customs is an implementing agency of the Government of Mongolia that performs a special government function to ensure compliance with the customs legislation of Mongolia.
The Customs shall be guided by the principles of the rule of law, respect for human rights and freedoms, professionalism, and compliance of the lower level customs administration with the legal decisions of the higher level customs administration.
The priority activities of Customs
Website: https://www.customs.gov.mn/
National Development Agency
National Development Agency is the regulating agency of the Government of Mongolia in charge of developing the country’s development plans and policies.
The mission of the Agency is to identify economic priorities and sectors and to develop the country's economic capacity by properly planning integrated investment and public-private partnership policies in line with development policies in line with population, settlement, regional development and local development policies.
Within the framework of the above mission, the Agency will implement the following strategic objectives:
Website: http://nda.gov.mn/
Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Light industry
The Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Light industry(MOFALI) is a Government Ministry that performs the state management of food, agriculture, light Industry, and small and medium-sized enterprises.
The mission of the MOFALI is to rationalize the use of raw materials, replace imports, develop export-oriented products and value chains, increase production income and productivity, and improve the competitiveness of the sector's economy by defining and implementing sectoral policies. To create conditions for sustainable growth and to provide the population with healthy, guaranteed, nutritious food, hygiene, and clothing that meets the requirements of consumption.
The MOFALI consists of the key departments including the Livestock Development Policy and Regulation Department, Agricultural Development Policy and Regulation Department, Light Industry Development Policy and Regulation Department, Food Industry Development Policy and Regulation Department Department of Small and medium-sized enterprises.
The main laws, regulating export and import trade activities of the MOFALI, are the law on Food, the law on Food Fortification, the law on Food Safety, the law on Organic Food, the law on Hygiene, a law on Agriculture, the law on Сultivated Seed and Varieties, the law on Health, the law on Tobacco Control, the law on Fight Against Alcoholism, the law on Animal Genetic Resource, the law on Quarantine Control and Inspection of Animals, Plants, Raw Materials and Products at the State Border, and Others.
Priority activities are:
Ensuring and intensifying sustainable development of livestock, agriculture, food, light, small and medium enterprises, and co-operatives, improve domestic trade and marketing policies and the legal environment of the sector;
Coordinating the prevention of highly contagious and infectious diseases in livestock, to steadily reduce the spread of the disease, to stop its spread, and to warrant a disease-free zone;
Coordinating the implementing the quarantine, export and import policies for livestock, animals, crops, food products, raw materials, animal feed, and their additives;
Sustainable development of light industry, deep processing of wool, cashmere, hides and skins, import-substitution, an increase of production of export-oriented knitwear, textiles, garments and tools, development of post-production services and trade;
Organizing and coordinating the implementation of policies to create conditions for the consumption of healthy and safe food, increase food supply and access, and ensure food security;
Website: https://mofa.gov.mn/exp/
General Authority for Veterinary Services
General Authority for Veterinary Services is an implementing Agency of Government. The mission of the (GAVS) is to support the freedom of trade, which provides the veterinary sector with an integrated policy by preventing and combating animal diseases, ensuring the health and safety of raw materials and products of animal origin, and protecting public health.
The Law on Animal Health, Law on Animal Genetic Resources which directly related to the Veterinary Services, and “General Authority for Veterinary Services” were newly established in 2018. “Veterinary and Breeding Department” has being transferred into the structure of Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Light Industry.
Priority activities are:
Effectively plan the policy on prevention, control, and rehabilitation of animal diseases, to provide unified management at the national level and to organize its implementation;
Establishing a disease-free zone, agree on international veterinary agreements, sanitation and quarantine conditions, and promote free trade;
Protecting public health by meeting and certifying veterinary, sanitary, and hygienic requirements for livestock and their raw materials;
Establishing a unified database of animal health records, and establish a system for early detection and rapid response;
Establishing and regionalize the veterinary network laboratory system,
Reforming the national production of veterinary drugs to bring them in line with international standards, increase the production of import-substituting products, promote rational use, establish a drug balance control system, and define and implement a drug trade and service policy;
Development of veterinary doctors and specialists, the introduction of domestic and foreign best practices, improvement of accountability system;
Website: http://vet.gov.mn/
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health (MOH) is a Government Ministry that performs the state management of health.
The mission statement of (MOH) is to create the conditions that meet international standards to provide every citizen with access to safe, quality medical diagnosis, treatment and services based on fair competition and choice.
The Ministry of Health was first established in 1925 as the People's Health Department within the Ministry of the Interior, and in 1930 it was expanded to become an independent ministry. Currently, there are about 1,500 health care facilities nationwide, including 15 specialized hospitals and centers, 32 general hospitals, 13 inter-soum hospitals, 334 rural or soum hospitals, 178 family group practices, 12 health centers, 13 private hospitals, and 466 private hospitals. There are 35 ambulance stations, 26 blood centers and stations, and 319 pharmacies.
The name, structure, and organization of the Ministry of Health have changed to some extent at the time. For example, from June 1, 1930, to 1950, the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare from 1996 to 2000, and the Ministry of Health from 2000. Mongolian National Center for Public Health and Medical Institute T.Shagdarsürengiin are being operated with its activity under the MOH.
Priority activities are:
To support and protect the health of Mongolians, ensuring the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the “Sustainable Development Concept of Mongolia-2030”;
-To deliver health care and services to the whole population, improving the quality of public health and medical care, and strengthening the capacity for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment;
To develop and implement a reform policy to ensure the safety of imported and domestic drugs and food.
Website: https://www.mohs.mn/
Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology
The Agency for Standardization and Metrology(MASM) as the Government Regulatory Agency, was established in 1923. MAST reports to the Deputy Prime MinIster.
The mission of the (MASM) is to ensure national, social and economic security, increase exports, and support the development of national industries through standardization, metrology, conformity assessment, and sampling control policies.
Priority activities are:
To support a standardization, conformity assessment, and technical regulatory activities to protect the public interest, human health, the environment, and national security, and to improve the competitiveness of national industries, products, and services;
To support social and economic development through a policy to ensure the integrity of measurements, increase the technical capacity of the Mongolian measurement system, national standards of measurement units, and legal standards, and bring them to the international level;
To support the establishment of an accreditation system for conformity assessment bodies that meet international standards and increase economic capacity;
To support traders, service providers and manufacturers through product and service management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14000 HACCP) certification activities and create favorable conditions for them to compete fairly in the market;
To protect the interests of consumers by providing international standards for sample certification, sampling of precious metals, and gemstone identification services in accordance with international standards.
Website: https://masm.gov.mn/masmj/
Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry
Mission of the Ministry:
The vision statement of MMHI is to develop a transparent and responsible mining, heavy industry through increasing the Mineral resource fund and establish a balanced economy with a multi-pillar structure.
The main structure:
Department of Geology and Mining Policy Implementation Coordination,
Department of Mining Policy,
Department of Heavy Industry Policy,
Department of Fuel Policy, Policy Implementation Coordination Department
Department of Public Administration
Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority
MMHI will work focusing on the following priorities:
To organize and develop the sector policy and legal environment, the geological survey and mineral accelerate the process of exploration and increase the treasury of mineral resources;
To improve the economic capacity of the country through the mining sector policy and legal environment for making all types of mining, processing, selling and export issues policy guidelines;
Improve the Heavy industry sector policies and the legal environment, introduce advanced technology and innovation, localization, update, and through the development of production technology park;
Oil and Fuel Industry policy and legal environment for refining the oil and non-conventional oil (coal bed methane, oil shale, oily sand, etc.), search and sustainable long-term exploration and intensify production and sales Saving and the potential to increase the supply of oil products supply is stable and improving fuel quality standards and reducing air pollution;
To improve economic efficiency and the financial capacity development for Geology, Mining, Oil, Fuel, and Heavy Industrial sector, attract domestic and foreign Investment;
To improve competitiveness through the development of the public-private partnership, management-structure system;
Technical update on geology, mining, oil, fuel and heavy Industry sector, Introduction of environmentally friendly advanced technologies;
Transparent and accountable mining development based on civil society participation, Introduce principles and standards from "Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative" and the "Initiative to develop responsible mining"
Focus on geology, mining, oil, fuel, and heavy industry workers occupational safety and health issues;
Website: https://www.mmhi.gov.mn/
Ministry of Energy
The mission of the Ministry:
The mission of the statement of MOE is to implement an energy policy that will increase of Mongolia's social and economic development, to provide a healthy, safe and comfortable environment for people to live in, and provide reliable stable production and service conditions.
The main structure:
Policy and Planning department,
Department of Public Administration,
Department of Policy Implementation,
Department of Monitoring,
Evaluation and Internal Audit and the Department of Fuel Policy Implementation Coordination.
Ministry of Energy will work focusing on the following priorities:
To ensure safe, reliable, and efficient operation of the energy sector;
To create new energy sources and establish regional networks;
To ensure uninterrupted, reliable, and secure power supply
To support and develop renewable energy production;
Expand the capacity of coal mines by balancing energy sources;
To develop thermal coal and new, gas fuel technologies and support innovation;
To improve the economic efficiency and financial capacity of the sector, attract domestic and foreign investment, and expand cooperation in line with international development trends;
Improve the sector's competitiveness by improving sector management and systems, increasing private sector participation in the sector, and developing public-private partnerships;
Introduce energy-efficient and advanced technologies in the field of energy, fuel (thermal coal) by conducting science, technology, energy balance research, standards, norms, normative documents, technical and equipment upgrades.
Website: http://energy.gov.mn/
Ministry of Road and Transport Development
The mission of the ministry:
Establish a national transportation and logistics network based on intelligent transportation systems that will ensure economic growth.
The main structure:
Policy and Planning department,
Department of Public Administration,
Department of Road Policy Implementation,
Department of Railway and Water Transport Policy Implementation,
Department of Air Transport Policy Implementation,
Department of Monitoring Evaluation and Internal Audit.
MRTD will work focusing on the following priorities:
The Ministry is responsible for implementing the objectives outlined in the Government's Action Plan and the Basic Guidelines for Economic and Social Development of Mongolia, to provide comprehensive advice and support to the Minister of Road and Transport and all government cabinets.
The Ministry of Roads and Transportation will take a broad and responsible approach to ensure the balance and coherence of policies, planning, and budget expenditures, and provide the sector with proper management and coordination.
Expand the road transport network to ensure economic growth and increase exports:
Increase the investment of the road fund by collecting tolls and establishing control mechanisms based on intelligent transportation systems and transfer the road fund to independent activities:
Develop environmentally friendly, sustainable, accessible, and safe transportation services that meet demand:
Continue to liberalize air transport, create competition, increase the number and route of flights, and improve the use of local airports.
Website: https://mrtd.gov.mn/
Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Mission of the ministry:
The mission of MoET is to guide economic and social development without disturbing the ecosystem balance, to create opportunities for sustainable use of natural resources and natural regeneration, to maintain environmental sustainability through the development of sustainable tourism, encourage cooperation and efforts of the government, citizens, business entities and organizations in ensuring green development, to ensure the right to live in a healthy and safe environment.
The main structure:
Department of Green Development Policy and Planning,
Department of Public Administration, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources,
Department of Tourism Policy and Coordination,
Department of Monitoring, Evaluation and Internal Audit,
Department of Protected Areas,
Department of Land Management,
Department of Construction and Integrated Water Policy,
Department of Forest Policy and Coordination,
Department of Climate Change,
Department of Foreign Cooperation.
Ministry of Environment and tourism will work focusing on the following priorities:
Develop and approve environmental, green development legislation, policies, strategies, and programs in line with the country's sustainable development, to create a suitable legal, economic and social-psychological environment that supports it, to provide financial and asset management and regulation of the sector
To provide leadership in public administration and human resource management, strengthen good environmental governance, improve the legal environment, and develop foreign cooperation;
To organize and coordinate the implementation of legislation, policies, and programs on reducing environmental pollution and degradation, rational use, protection and rehabilitation of natural resources based on public participation and control, provide professional and methodological guidance and advice;
To organize and coordinate the implementation of forest and water legislation, policies and programs, provide professional and methodological guidance, and provide advice;
To organize and coordinate the implementation of legislation, policies, and programs on specially protected areas, provide professional and methodological guidance and advice;
Monitoring, inspection, and auditing of policy implementation evaluating results and impacts, making conclusions and recommendations, and ensuring openness of information on policy implementation and activities of natural resource users.
Website: https://www.mne.mn/
Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a non-governmental organization established in 1960 and working with business and public sector. It main goal is to improve business environment, provide common interest of business community, and to support its members.
MNCCI’s strategic goals are:
MNCCI has its branches in 21 aimags of Mongolia and representatives in 13 foreign countries such as Japan, Germany, South Korea.
Website: https://www.mongolchamber.mn/
MNCCI’s professional councils
Councils |
Secretary of the Council |
Phone |
Tourism Council |
Education and Culture Specialist, I.Tugs-Oyun |
976-88086993 |
Youth Entrepreneurship Council |
Specialist, B.Tuvshintur, |
976-99078303 |
Mongolian-Turkish joint chamber |
Specialist of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Kh. Mergenshagai |
976-99171504 |
Small Business Support Council |
Specialist N.Dolgormaa |
976-99096809 |
Council of Women Entrepreneurs |
Specialist N.Dondogdulam |
976-94082390 |
Mongolian-Chinese Business Council |
Specialist, D.Bulganchimeg, |
976-90006950 |
Council of Importers |
Education and Culture Specialist L.Tsolmontuya |
976-99733388 |
Startup Business Support Council |
Specialist L.Enkhtsetseg |
976-99046587 |
Mongolian-Austrian Cooperation Council |
Specialist of the Department of Foreign Affairs N.Khulan |
976-89056905 |
Cashmere wool Council |
Education and Culture Specialist A.Gankhuleg |
976-99549173 |
Cooperation Council with Russia |
Specialist of the Department of Foreign Affairs D. Adyaasuren |
976-91919396 |
National Compliance Council |
specialist B.Khaliun |
976-99024934 |
Franchising Board |
Specialist B.Khaliun |
976-99024934 |
Trade Facilitation and Transportation Logistics Council |
Education and Culture Specialist A.Gankhuleg |
976-99549173 |
Food Production Support Council |
Education and Culture Specialist B.Battsetseg |
976-99034043 |
Free Zone Investment Council |
Education and Culture Specialist A.Gankhuleg |
976-99549173 |
Economic Policy Council |
Education and Culture Specialist O.Tumen-Amar |
976-99993827 |
Export Policy Council |
Education and Culture Specialist L.Tsolmontuya |
976-99733388 |
Business Council for Cooperation with Japan |
Specialist of the Department of Foreign Affairs G. Munkhzul |
976-99036193 |
Ulaanbaatar City Chamber of Commerce
The second independent Chamber, established under the Law on the Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is the Ulaanbaatar Chamber of Commerce, which works to create a favorable business environment in the region by supporting Ulaanbaatar's businesses and working with city officials.
The main activities are:
Website: https://www.ubchamber.mn/
Mongolian Exporters Association
The Mongolian Exporters Association is a non-governmental organization, which was established in 2006.
The main aim of the Association is to provide local producers and exporters with international market prices, assist producers for trading export commodities at international market, increase international competitiveness of export-oriented enterprises, assist in networking with commodity exchanges and Associations arrange training on trade policy, mineral economics and international market.
Website: www.mongolianexport.mn
Mongolian Business Council
The Business Council of Mongolia (BCM) was established in 2007. Since then, it has developed to become one of the leading organizations representing business stakeholders in the country. The objectives of BCM are to promote trade and investment growth in Mongolia and to provide a bridge between the Government of Mongolia, the public and members of the Council.
Currently, the BCM represents over 260 businesses and seeks to be a bridge for domestic and international investment. BCM is the only business chamber in Mongolia with a highly diverse international membership.
The American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham Mongolia )
The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Mongolia is an independent membership-driven organization that seeks to build, strengthen, and protect business between the United States and Mongolia and to promote Mongolia as a destination for American investment actively.
Part of our strategic approach to achieve this is to remain strongly engaged in direct advocacy for better investment, legal and regulatory policy, and working closely with our members and key policymakers in order to address these important and highly relevant issues.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the largest federation in the world, with over 3 million members.
Website: https://www.amcham.mn/
Monlogistics Worldwide
Since the establishment of Monlogistics Worldwide LLC in 2005, the company has been operating successfully as an International Freight Forwarding and Transport Logistics Services provider and today we are one of leading transport logistics companies of the country, ranked among the top three in the industry.
The company operates out of six local branch offices in the key business locations of Erdenet and Darkhan cities, and in the border-crossing points of Zamyn-Uud, Sukhbaatar, Altanbulag and Gashuun Sukhait. As a consequence, we are able to solve any transport logistics questions to/from all the destinations/origins worldwide, through our partnership network of more than 300 dedicated agents, in over 85 countries, covering six continents.
Website: www.mlw.mn