Legal Document

Title: Law on Controlling the Circulation of Explosives and Explosive Devices
Type: Law
Issuing Agency: Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry
Responsible Agency: Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry
Issuing Date: 31-01-2013


13 Jan, 2013                                                                                    Ulaanbaatar


Article 1. Purpose of the law

        1.1 The purpose of this law is to regulate the circulation of explosives and explosive devices for industrial purposes, to prevent their harm, to ensure safety, and to prohibit illegal use.

Article 6. Power of the State Central Administrative Body.

        6.1. State Central Administrative Body Responsible for Geology and Mining shall exercise the following powers related to explosives and explosive devices:

        6.1.2. To carry out blasting operation; to issue, extend, suspend and revoke licenses for import, export, manufacture of explosives, explosive devices and pyrotechnic devices, and use them for entertainment purposes based on the conclusion of the Professional Council.

Article 17. Pyrotechnic devices.

        17.1. Relations related to the production, import, use and safety of pyrotechnic devices shall be regulated by the rules set forth in Article 5.1.4 of this law.

        17.9 The state central administrative body responsible for geology and mining shall issue a license specifying the quantity of pyrotechnic devices to be imported.

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List Measures/Standards

Name Description Status Measures/Standards Measure Class
Special Permit Requirement for Import of Explosives and Explosive Devices This law regulates the relations related to controlling the circulation of industrial explosives and explosive devices, preventing their harm, ensuring safety and prohibiting illegal use. Active Measure Goods
Special Permit Requirement for Export of Explosives and Explosive Devices This law regulates the relations related to controlling the circulation of industrial explosives and explosive devices, preventing their harm, ensuring safety and prohibiting illegal use. Active Measure Goods
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